In this three-part live session, we explore questions about love and relationships from a biblical perspective.
Words of the Father
We know that God is our perfect Heavenly Father. Today we dissect practical lessons from when the Perfect Father spoke directly over His Son.
Why was Jesus okay with leaving the 99 and pursuing the one? Today, we look at common tactics used by the enemy of our souls and how we can remain vigilant against them.
Change Your Mind (Live)
Feel like you are stuck in a rut lately? Not loving the path you are on? Check out this live "SHE Downtown" Bible study from Ashley for practical steps to CHANGE YOUR MIND.
If Jesus said believing in Him is all it takes to be saved, what exactly entails truly believing?
I am the Resurrection and the Life (Live)
What did Jesus really mean when he said, "I am the resurrection and the life? Today, we explore the depth of his statement in this live teaching at Life Center Central in Tacoma.
When a well-known passage of Scripture is also one of the most misunderstood, uncovering it's historical meaning can take us from comparison to celebration.
I Am the Gate for the Sheep (Live)
Today, check out a live sermon from Ashley as she explores John 10 in the series Red Letters at Life Center Downtown in Tacoma, WA.
Abundant Life
If Jesus came to give us abundant life, what does that really look like and how can we fully experience it?
If the joy of the Lord is our strength... how do we get His joy in our hearts? The answer might be a little louder than anticipated.
When You Fast
Not seeing God move in response to your prayers? The answer might be as simple as the obedience of what you are willing to do without.
The Lord's Prayer
Praying Scripture can sometimes be seen as unspiritual but today we learn that when Jesus Himself taught us how to pray, none of His thoughts were original.
Sheep and Goats
As we explore Matthew 25, we find that being better sheep can be far more simple than you'd think.
The Best Advice
JF and Ashley share some of the best marriage and parenting advice they have to offer and surprisingly it has little to do with what goes on at home.
Desiring God
Not seeing God move in your life the way you want? The issue likely has nothing to do with your desire for Him...
What is Love?
Today, JF joins us as we discuss the shocking realization of what Scripture says love always looks like.
Praying to God to heal or restore you? Today we look to Job and James to find out how our prayers can be made most effective.
Abrahamic Covenant
On this Easter week we revisit a snippet from Ashley's message in Life Center's "Vintage" Series. Join us to learn about the Abrahamic covenant and its foreshadowing of Jesus' death and our salvation.
Hunger & Thirst
Sometimes the difference between being covered and being fully filled has everything to do with what you are craving.
The Untamable Tongue
Ever been told to watch your mouth? Diving into Scripture reveals that the true issue lies elsewhere.