Holy Communion is based on what Jesus taught at His last Passover dinner with His disciples. Today we learn how Jesus forever changed those symbols to show us vivid pictures of His love.
Paths of Righteousness
What really are “Paths of Righteousness”? Understanding this common middle eastern phrase helps us recognize why the Lord leads us in them and how He gets the glory through them.
Fruit of the Spirit
Why pray for your life to bear Fruits of the Spirit? What is found inside fruit can offer insight into why this matters to God and should matter to us.
Work Out Your Salvation
Curious as to why scripture tells us to work out our own salvation? The answer is less about what we fight and more about where we focus.
Ever wonder why God hasn't given you greater opportunities? Jesus' parable of the minas teaches us the principle of why some with so much are given even more.
Through the Water
Have you ever prayed for God to remove fear from your life? Today we explore how His plan might have a different path.
Ever thought about what it means to lose our saltiness? The answer gives us a glimpse into staying useful to the Kingdom of God.
Striving or Sitting
Can you remember an encounter that you had with Jesus that forever changed your life? Today, we reflect on how doing less can often lead to so much more!
The woman from Scripture with the issue of blood wasn't just randomly reaching for Jesus' clothes. Today we learn what was behind her faith and ultimately her healing.
Mustard Seeds and Mountains
Do you ever feel like your prayers aren't producing results? Today, we look to Jesus' words in Matthew as He reveals the key.
Specks and Planks
Today we explore how Jesus encourages us to check our own hearts as we encounter the faults of others.
Writing In the Dust
Ever wonder why Jesus knelt down and wrote in the dust in John chapter 8? The answer is a reminder of what our focus and message should always be.
At one point or another, we all walk through valleys in life. Today, we look to Psalm 23 for a promise of hope during difficult circumstances.
No More Room
Christmas is here! Today, we look at the Christmas story to learn about family, priorities and making room for Jesus
Pictures of Christmas
Christmas is almost here! Today, we discuss the amazing, hope-filled imagery present in the Christmas story.
Good Eyes
Do you have good eyes? Today, we explore the meaning of a popular Jewish colloquialism and see what scripture says about generosity.
Green Pastures
What does it mean to rely on a shepherd that makes us lie down in green pastures? The answer might surprise you!
In moments of reflection, will you focus on your circumstances? Or will you pause and find joy in the truth of who God is?
Honey From the Rock
Is it possible to find sweetness in the midst of suffering? Today, we turn to a passage from Psalm 81 for answers.
Are your failures a source of anxiety? Or are they reminders of God's amazing grace? Today, we take a look at the life of Peter and learn to identify the "roosters" in our own lives.